Saturday, March 24, 2012

History of Marijuana

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Support Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana - A Growing Field

Even with no pun intended it is hard to ignore the thriving business environment surrounding the production and sale of medical marijuana. With MMJ now legalized in 15 states and the District of Columbia, the market is expanding vigorously.

Treating a Variety of Ailments

THC, the active ingredient in marijuana has been shown to effectively treat a number of conditions. It can reduce nausea, insomnia, neurogenic pain and movement disorders and the symptoms of glaucoma. It may be useful in controlling the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, migraines and fibromyalgia. Recent studies have indicated that THC prevents the formation of deposits of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Of course more research is essential in determining which conditions medical marijuana can help, but even this short list is encouraging.

Not Just Smoking

Medical marijuana opponents object strongly to the most common method of ingestion: smoking. However, there are many safer ways to ingest marijuana. Marijuana can be inhaled in a vaporized form and added to food after being processed into hemp oil. Both methods bypass the potential risks involved in any form of smoking.

Who Can Grow It?

One of the challenges of getting medical marijuana is figuring out who is allowed to grow it, and how much they can grow. The states which have legalized marijuana for medical use have implemented standards for whether and how much marijuana an individual is allowed to grow or possess. Things are a bit more complicated for dispensaries.

California allows patients and caregivers to form cooperatives to grow the plants, but much of the product which reaches the market is grown on small "farms" which still operate outside the law.

Recently a large store specializing in information and supplies opened in Sacramento, CA. The store doesn't sell any marijuana, nor any plants. There are some plants on display but they are owned by licensed individuals and will be removed before they bud.

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Licensed Dispensaries

Opening a medical marijuana dispensary involves a bit of work. In each of the states where the sale of medical marijuana is legalized the requirements are a bit different. Businesses must apply for a license and provide proof that the storefront is either owned by the business or that the leaser has approved the business. Some states require a safety plan to be drawn up, or request tax documents and so forth.

One of the biggest challenges facing these legal businesses is obtaining the full range of business services, such as merchant accounts for processing credit card sales or bank accounts, since marijuana is only legal on the state level, not at the federal level.

Perhaps the strongest argument that the government will respond to is the potential tax base that medical marijuana will generate. In tough economic times it is hard to turn away any source of much needed income.

Michael Rupkalvis owns the Transaction group. The Transaction Group offers medical marijuana merchant accounts
and other credit card merchant account solutions for all types of businesses.

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American Medical Association Support Medical Marijuana

Federal Government is Impelled to Support Medical Marijuana by the American Medical Association

The American Medical Association, which is the largest doctors' organization in the USA, has reconsidered its position towards marijuana and currently supports exploration and medical research on marijuana for medicinal use. On Tuesday, the group has persuaded the federal government to re-evaluate its controlled substance categorization of marijuana in Schedule I, which unfairly maligns the plant alongside with some of the most hazardous narcotic substances, such as LSD and heroin.

AMA officer of board, Dr. Edward Langston specifies that just a least number of controlled, casual tests have ever been maintained on ingested marijuana in spite of medical research in by marijuana doctors and other experts, which encompasses more than thirty years. As for now, the group encourages new researches on marijuana's effectiveness in spite of its support for the classification of marijuana in Schedule I, since 1997, because more and more marijuana doctors appear over time.

This year, Obama's administration has also ordered federal narcotics agents to stop prosecuting people who use and distribute marijuana (including medical marijuana doctors) in the states that have legalized it, which indicated an alteration of the course from past administrations' stringent opposition to the use of medical marijuana, even for people that have marijuana cards in the states that have legalized the plant for medical use. At the moment, fourteen states lawfully permit the use of medical marijuana and around twelve other states have started to think about doing so. The American Medical Association is interested in study, which takes in account alternative methods of using marijuana, apart from therapeutically smoking it. Lawyers for medical marijuana speak about other helpful modes of medical marijuana use, involving the THC-rich cannabis oil extraction, which is claimed to be able to heal cancer patients. Today, no one is persecuted for the use of cannabis if a legal medical marijuana card is present.

The reaction of the federal government to the AMA's stance has been pretty silent in spite of loosened federal prosecution of medical marijuana use and medical marijuana clinic workers. DEA - the Drug Enforcement Administration - repeated the status of marijuana as a Schedule I substance and the FDA - Food and Drug Administration - refused to give any commentaries on the situation. The American Medical Association was one of the sole groups to object the first federal limitation on cannabis, which were established back in 1937. It still persists to decline casual idea that marijuana is a myth, in spite of its past support of Schedule I narcotic classification. The organization even objected an offered amendment, which would have settled its managerial policies in resistance to ingested marijuana as a safe way of use for marijuana treatment. In fact almost any marijuana clinic provides edible products of medical marijuana for patients with marijuana cards.

Marijuana support groups are joyous about the new stance of the AMA and the extending change of attitude towards marijuana and everything related to it - marijuana doctors, marijuana clinics, etc. While federal administration still resists against the marijuana legalization, referring to the FDA consideration in objection to its secure use as medicine, popular belief persists to change in favor of further study and medical use of marijuana. Last year, the second largest doctor group, the American College of Physicians has uttered similar support for improved research and reassessment of marijuana. Also, the California Medical Association passed its own opinions that referred to marijuana criminalization as a "failed public health policy."

The moods are changing towards frank research of the marijuana benefits. The attraction for further proof-based study by acknowledged medicinal organizations is a step in the proper direction on the way to legalizing medical marijuana for legal and safe medicinal purposes

Amelia Simpson is from USA. She is graduate in English from California. She has 4 years of good experience in content writing. she has written many articles and news on many Domains. Currently she is writing mainly for Medical Marijuana Card [], Medical Marijuana license [] and MMJ card.

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Open Your Own Legalized Medical Marijuana Dispensary

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Colorado Have Passed The Bill - Legalized Medical Marijuana

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Arizona Has join the 16 other legalized states

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Medical Marijuana was passed in November 2010 Arizona with Prop 203, becoming the 15th US State to recognize its medicinal qualities for various debilitating medical conditions. The Arizona Department of Health Services is now assembling the Rules and Regulations for its dispensing and usage.

Marijuana was legal until 1937 in the US. It was commonly prescribed medicinally. The Marijuana Tax Act was brought before Congress in 1937, which was passed and placed a tax on the sale of cannabis. This tax equaled roughly one dollar on anyone who commercially dealt marijuana. The ACT did not criminalize the possession or usage of marijuana however. The American Medical Association opposed the bill, arguing that cannabis was not dangerous and that its medicinal use would be severely curtailed by prohibition. Within 4 years, medical marijuana was withdrawn from the US pharmaceutical market because of the law's requirements.

In 1970, the Controlled Substances Act was passed, making Marijuana a Schedule 1 Narcotic. A Schedule 1 Narcotic is supposedly one that has a high potential for abuse, no medical use, and not safe to use under medical supervision. As you will read soon in this E-Book, a lot of states disagree, and Arizona is the latest to realize marijuana's benefits medicinally.

In 1996 California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana. The California Compassionate Use Act, known as Proposition 215, allowed patients freedom from prosecution with a physician's recommendation. The federal government went after the initiative and threatened to arrest physicians for recommending it, but a federal court decision protected physicians under the First Amendment.

Despite persistence of federal oppositions, numerous states have passed their own medical marijuana laws, with the latest being Arizona. Canada has also changed their laws with regards to medical marijuana as well. In 2005, the Supreme Court upheld the federal ban on marijuana but did not question the validity of the state laws. Therefore, patients are protected from state prosecution in the states with legal medical marijuana, but not federal. Both the DEA and Justice Department have said they don't want to go after patients, only large traffickers.

There were not many regulations put into place in California upon passing medicinal marijuana. Colorado subsequently passed it in 2000. Due to federal regulations neither state had widespread abuse of medical marijuana with the prospect of federal prosecution looming.

That all changed in 2009. President Obama announced his administration would no longer use federal resources to go after dispensaries and patients as long as they complied with state laws. Dispensaries began to multiply like rabbits, and within a few months patients were signing up in Colorado at a rate of 1000 per day. In Los Angeles alone, medical marijuana dispensaries outnumber McDonald's and Starbucks by 2 to 1.

Arizona became the 15th state to legalize medical marijuana with Prop 203 passing in November of 2010. It was an extremely close vote that took over 11 days after the actual election to finalize the count. 1.7 million people voted and initially the vote was 7000 votes against it, but when it was final it won by slightly over 4000 votes.

Voters have passed medical marijuana in Arizona twice in the past but because of wording and conflicting federal laws nothing actually went into effect. Marijuana remains completely illegal under federal law. It is a Schedule 1 Drug under the US Controlled Substances Act, which means it is regarded as having high abuse potential and no medical use. Its possession, sale, manufacture, transportation and distribution for any purpose are against federal law.

However, more and more states continue to recognized its medicinal purposes. Fifteen states now have laws permitting medical use of marijuana. These laws exempt patients from criminal charges for personal possession and/or cultivation of small amounts with a doctor's recommendation. What this means is since the overwhelming majority of smaller scale drug offenses are prosecuted by state law, patients are generally safe in these states from arrest (as long as local law is followed).

A 2002 Time magazine poll showed an amazing 80% of Americans supported legalizing medical marijuana. As you will read in this E-Book, medical marijuana is beneficial to patients suffering from many debilitating medical conditions such as Glaucoma, MS, ALS, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Severe Muscle Spasms, and Chronic Pain.

David L. Greene, MD is CEO of Arizona Medical Marijuana Certifications, which assists patients with debilitating medical conditions to obtain an Arizona Medical Marijuana ID Card.
The number Toll Free is (855) AZ-IDCARD

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